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Shielding your System > Setting the E-mail Attachments shield > Communication errors with the E-mail Attachments shield

Communication errors with the E-mail Attachments shield
When the E-Mail Attachments shield is turned on, the Webroot software intercepts all traffic on the POP3 and SMTP ports used for e-mail communications so it can scan attachments for spyware and viruses. By default, the Webroot software monitors port 110 (POP3) for incoming mail and port 25 (SMTP) for outgoing mail, but you can change the port numbers in the E-mail Attachments settings, if necessary.
Some firewall configurations might prevent the Webroot software from intercepting e-mail traffic. If this is the case, the following alert appears every time an e-mail is sent or received:
If this alert appears because a firewall application is blocking the Webroot software, you need to configure your firewall application to allow the program to monitor the port traffic. For more information about resolving communication issues between your firewall application and the Webroot software, you can contact Webroot Technical Support or click the following link (you must be connected to the Internet):
Firewall Configuration Information
If the alert appears only once or just periodically, the problem may be due to an inactive network configuration or a non-responsive SMTP or POP server at the ISP (Internet Service Provider). This is a temporary situation; the E-Mail Attachments shield should be able to function normally once communication is restored. If the message appears frequently when these types of communication errors occur, you can select “Do not show this message again,” so the alert only appears in the session log (see Viewing the session log).

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